
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Found Objects, Student Work

Kaitlyn Deitz
Pen and ink, 20" x 30"

Students were asked to find 10 objects and use these objects to influence a drawing. 

Student Work, Kaitlyn Deitz

Assignment - Diagram A Movie

Student Work, Johanna Falzone

"For Walk The Line I wrote a six page essay called I Walk My Feminist Line which explains how I became a Feminist. After Writing the paper I felt like everything in the essay was too personal and I didn’t want anyone to read it, so I began to destroy the essay. Bellow are photos of the final product of destruction and rebuilding of the essay into a new object." -Johanna Falzone

Found Object, Student Work

Student response to a found object. 
An observational drawing of found object. 
A scrap of next to a drawing of the scrap of wood. 

Student Work, Chryssha

Student Work, Emmie Brown